Understanding strengths, weaknesses and gifts
(i.e., GATE programs)
Memory, attention, visual perception, auditory perception, sensory-motor skills (i.e., holding a pencil/writing style)
Standardized tests to assess child’s school performance and grade level
Developmental testing and analysis for diagnosis of Autism and ASD's.
A combination of observations, data, adult and rating scales to pinpoint possible emotional/behavioral disorders including ADD/ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
We’ll review and summarize all available school, medical reports and previous assessments
Performed by a speech and language pathologist – this evaluation will assess how your child “hears” and makes sense of language spoken to them as well as how they produce and communicate language to others
Endtest Pro will work with parents and educators to identify strategies that will make a difference and produce meaningful student outcomes. A short list includes: academic achievement, the classroom learning environment, behavior and social skills.